Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Mini-Movie Reviews

The Lives of Others

I really liked this movie. It's a spy movie & a love story. It did not have the typical happy ending but still has a "feel-good" quality to it.


If you love artsy fartsy black & white movies than this is your movie. I really enjoyed it. I hope that when death comes for me she is a beautiful french woman.


This is also an artsy black & white movie. Loved the camera work. Good story based on a old Japanese fable. It's got greed, hunger, lust, jealousy, violence & sex.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Neon Market

Developed some old film

Finally took a roll of film to be developed that had been in an old plastic fisheye camera since October 2009. A few pictures are more recent but this film is so old I'm lucky anything came out.




the new convention center

the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts

City Hall